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Breast Reduction in St. Louis

Breast Reduction in St. Louis Lifts & Liposuction

Both physical and psychological side effects can be closely linked to breast size. For women who live with larger breasts, these side effects can become factors that negatively impact their daily lives. Women suffering from any one of these conditions may find themselves considering taking drastic steps to eliminate or reduce the problem. Where once women turned exclusively to breast reduction surgery, there are now more options available. Breast liposuction is an innovative approach to altering breast size, including breast reduction in St Louis, without needing to face extensive and risky hospital stays.

On a physical level, larger breasts can lead to painful conditions such as chronic back, neck and shoulder pain. Woman may naturally find themselves using unhealthy postures to compensate for these sensations which can have a negative impact on the spine in the long-term. Similarly, women may find they look for ways to avoid certain physical activities as the excessive movement proves too painful.

Psychologically, women with larger breasts may struggle with negative self-image due to limitations stated above which can lead to reduced confidence levels. Frustration can filter into daily life when tasks such as finding clothes that both fit and flatter the form can become increasingly difficult.











*Actual Client: Individual Results May Vary

Procedure Specifics


Over time, a woman’s breasts are naturally comprised of a larger percentage of fat than glandular tissue. Significant increases in fat tend to occur when a woman reaches her forties and this change can ultimately lead to a number of detrimental health conditions. Breast liposuction in St Louis is a safe and efficient solution for women looking to reduce breast fat alongside associated health risks.

Breast liposuction is an innovative method that utilizes tumescent liposuction as an approach to fat removal. The procedure requires a performing physician to inject a solution into the affected area that temporarily shrinks surrounding capillaries. This strategy greatly reduces pain, scarring and bleeding throughout and after the procedure.

Once the solution successfully shrinks the surrounding capillaries, the physician will insert a small cannula into the area using a series of small incisions and begin to remove excess fat from the breast through suction. Tumescent liposuction is extremely successful at avoiding important glandular tissue in the breast during the process, promoting breast health post-procedure.

Patients who wish to avoid the invasive process of a surgical mastopexy or breast lift will be pleased with the non-invasive simplicity of breast liposuction. Where invasive surgeries require tissue wedging along with nipple-freeing and re-suturing, breast liposuction reduces the chances of scarring or sensation loss and greatly reduces recovery time.


The Benefits Associated with Choosing Breast Liposuction


Breast liposuction has proven extremely successful over time with results showing an average breast volume and size reduction of nearly 50%. Overall, patients between the ages of 40 and 45 tend to achieve the most successful and reliable results. An added benefit to choosing breast liposuction is the natural rising that occurs once the overall weight of the breast is decreased. While the primary intent of breast liposuction is not to change breast positioning as it might be with surgical breast alteration, patients who undergo breast liposuction do notice a difference. This change may include a raised nipple height averaging approximately one inch. To that point, patients with smaller breast size will want to discuss how these changes may affect them with a physician prior to undergoing treatment.




Benefits of Traditional Breast Lift


While breast liposuction eliminates several of the invasive techniques used in traditional breast lift, many patients will still find that a traditional breast lift is the best option for their particular physical goals. It’s important to keep in mind that a traditional breast lift will alter the height of the breast significantly beyond the results of breast liposuction. Those looking to correct sagging or ptosis may find a traditional breast lift to offer more visible corrective results.


Scarless Breast Lift


Breast size and shape are highly personal, and can be affected by changes to body weight, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and age. As these changes occur, they may also be accompanied by size, shape, and contour of the breast, leading to sagging, ptosis, or dropping. For such a personal area of the body, this can be more than just a nuisance to women it affects.

In the past, the only option for correcting these types of issues was an open surgical breast lift, combined with at least a small amount of breast tissue reduction. However, today there is another option that is less invasive, offers the chance of breast correction without leaving a scar, and is overall a safer procedure for patients wanting to correct some aspect of their breast. This option involved skin tightening and liposuction, through small puncture holes in the skin around the breast.

Breast Liposuction and minimally invasive skin tightening can also correct all sorts of minor breast asymmetry and/or shape. Breasts differ in size or sagginess (for example, when one breast is lower than the other, or one nipple is pointed differently) are very common problems that women seek treatment for, all of which can be solved with a combination of liposuction and skin tightening!




How Does A Scarless Breast Lift Work?


Tumescent liposuction of the breast is performed by our surgeons to reduce the size of the breast and avoid the incisions that are generally placed on the breast with traditional open surgery. Like any liposuction procedure utilizing tumescent liquid to numb the treatment area, a specialized micro-suction tube is inserted through a very small incision and the entire breast is numbed. Gentle suction removes the fat cells through the tube, and the entire procedure takes about 2 hours (or less!). There are no stitches and no downtime – patients leave same-day.


Scarless Breast Lift: Treatment Facts


  • Length: 2-3 hours
  • Anesthesia: Local Tumescent
  • Minimally Invasive Outpatient surgery – home the same day
  • Recovery: 3-5 days
  • Side Effects: Bruising, swelling, temporary numbness or nipple sensitivity

Final Results take 6 months. Many women with large breasts experience a range of side effects that have a negative impact on their lives every day. These psychological and physiological effects create frustrating experiences. Women with large breasts typically experience physical constraints such as chronic shoulder, neck, and back pain that can reduce their everyday physical activity. Large breasts can also make it more difficult for some types of exercise and can lead to an unhealthy posture. Other side effects include psychological effects such as negative self-image, lower confidence, limiting clothing options, and the daily frustration of finding something to wear that will properly fit their body or even having to buy clothes that don’t fit properly to accommodate a larger chest. Luckily, breast reduction procedures such as liposuction for breast reduction are available if you find yourself troubled by or inconvenienced by any of these problems due to large breasts.

Liposuction for Breast Reduction: At a Glance

If you have been searching for a safe, less invasive way to reduce breast size, liposuction is a safe option with little downtime that has many advantages:

  • No scars
  • No loss of nipple sensation
  • Looks better, more natural than traditional breast reduction – no lollypop or anchor scars
  • No drains needed
  • No scar management / special dressing
  • Better posture: Standing straighter
  • Reduced neck and shoulder pain
  • Less back pain
  • Clothing fits better and more options
  • Gives appearance of weight loss
  • Changes overall profile – looks/feels like a whole-body makeover
  • Easier to find bras that fit and considerably less expensive
  • Able to breastfeed – no risk of injury to breast milk ducks
  • Insurance coverage: Breast reduction via liposuction is not covered by insurance.
  • Cost: Starting at $3,000-4,000. There is an additional cost if skin tightening for additional lift and or liposuction to bra line or side areas are added to the procedure.
  • Breast Reduction Volume: It depends on the ratio of glandular tissue to fat in the breast. The more fat the greater the reduction. Most women can expect a 50% decrease in breast size and weight.

Anesthesia: It is done with tumescent anesthesia with mild sedation. Patients are comfortable without the possible serious risks of general anesthesia.

Hannah’s Journey

Hannah is a working mom with young children. She researched breast reduction in St. Louis, but until she found our site, did not know liposuction was a viable option. She suffers from back and neck pain. She has the additional expense of visiting a chiropractor/massage therapist to alleviate her pain. She was seeking breast reduction with little downtime, and no scars which would still allow her to breastfeed. With the help of our team, Hannah went from a size J cup to a D cup!

“During surgery, I was awake but comfortable. I was surprised to see the change immediately, and even though I was sore immediately post-op, I felt lighter. Recovery went smoothly. The first few days were the worst, but I was able to immediately take care of my kids – including lifting them up because there were no lifting restrictions. I’m much more comfortable with my cup size and very pleased with the natural look, feel, and lift in my lighter breasts.”

Benefits of Tumescent Liposuction

A traditional liposuction is still a viable option for patients looking to remove stubborn fat deposits and contour the body. However, more patients lean towards options like tumescent liposuction for less invasive and just as successful liposuction results. Patients who choose tumescent liposuction receive an injection of local anesthetic and epinephrine. This targets the treatment area they are looking to alter. The solution causes both swelling and firming of the treatment area. Furthermore, this allows the attending physician to remove fat deposits more easily and with more precision. This type of approach results in less bleeding and generally, a quicker recovery time for patients. Additionally, patients don’t run the risks associated with general anesthesia, a lengthy hospital stay, or a long recovery period.  Tumescent liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure with highly successful results. Patients can expect to leave the office unassisted the same day as the procedure. Additionally, they can resume normal activities within 24-48 hours following the treatment. We will walk you through each step of liposuction recovery and help you toward your ultimate goal.

How the Procedure Works

Breast tissue holds a greater percentage of fat than other areas of the body, and it only increases as a woman ages. Once a woman is in her 40s, she may be carrying around an even higher amount of fat tissue that can lead to the problems described above. State-of-the-art technology is used to remove this excess fat through a breast reduction surgery known as tumescent liposuction.This liposuction procedure entails the use of a solution that is able to greatly shrink the capillaries found in the breasts and reduce possible pain and bleeding that can occur during the treatment, as well as lower the chance of future scarring. After the capillaries in the breasts have been reduced, a cannula—a type of instrument used in most liposuction procedures—removes excess fat tissue through a small incision. This procedure avoids the glandular tissue found in the breast (it is important this tissue not be removed). This procedure is less invasive than other liposuction for breast reduction procedures that involve exciting part of the breast tissue and suturing the nipple higher up the breast. These older techniques have a greater chance to leave bigger scar tissue; recovery also takes significantly longer. With breast liposuction, there are no large incisions or scars. Removing the excess weight from the breasts gives them a natural lift, although the lift that occurs is generally less than the lift that can be achieved with open surgical breast lifts, which require large incisions and leave large scars.

Benefits of Breast Liposuction

This state-of-the-art procedure leaves you with less bulky, average-sized breasts and is best for females who are in their 40s. This technique also raises the breast naturally, as the reduction in weight prevents the breast from being pulled down further. It can be combined with a minimally invasive lifting treatment like BodyTite or BreastTite, which can give additional lift and tightening. However, breast liposuction procedures cannot produce as much lift as an open surgical breast lift, so if you have pendulous breasts or smaller breasts that sag significantly, this treatment may not be for you. Weighing the pros and cons of breast alteration is an essential step when determining which approach is best for a patient. It’s essential that patients and physicians spend a significant amount of time discussing both physical and psychological factors before any procedure is performed. Many candidates for breast alteration will find they qualify for both traditional breast lift surgery or breast liposuction. Understanding the benefits of each procedure will help in the decision-making process. While both options ultimately provide a reduction in breast size, there are differences that should be noted. Surgical breast lifts can deliver drastic results in breast positioning but leave significant scarring and require a longer recovery period. Breast liposuction can successfully reduce breast size without surgical scars but should be performed with the expectation of a one to two-inch lift. When it comes to altering physical appearance, the choice is highly personal. Patients should take the time to research their options and ask questions of their physicians whenever they are considering undergoing a procedure. Let the professionals at St. Louis cosmetic surgery center give you a consultation and help you make the decision on how to achieve the breasts you have always dreamed of. We’re here for you!



Determining Which Approach is Right for You


Weighing the pros and cons of breast alteration is an essential step when determining which approach is best for a patient. It’s essential that patients and physicians spend a significant amount of time discussing both physical and psychological factors before any procedure is performed. Many candidates for breast alteration will find they qualify for both traditional breast lift surgery or breast liposuction. Understanding the benefits of each procedure will help in the decision-making process. While both options ultimately provide a reduction in breast size, there are differences that should be noted. Surgical breast lifts can deliver drastic results in breast positioning but leave significant scarring and require a longer recovery period. Breast liposuction can successfully reduce breast size without surgical scars but should be performed with the expectation of a one to two-inch lift.

When it comes to altering physical appearance, the choice is highly personal. Patients should take the time to research their options and ask questions of their physicians whenever they are considering undergoing a procedure.