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Veinwave FAQs

Veinwave FAQs Veinwave St Louis Vein Treatment

Veinwave FAQs | Veinwave info at the Vein Center in St Louis

If you are experiencing vein disease symptoms that may include achiness in the legs, along with restless legs that are tired or itchy, or other symptoms such as a burning sensation occurring after standing for long periods of time, you may be looking for a solution. Perhaps you are just tired of looking at those unsightly veins — especially those on your face.

A new treatment method — Veinwave St Louis Vein Treatment— is an especially effective procedure for treating those annoying veins. Veinwave uses thermo-coagulation and can be used on any type of skin. The procedure is extremely safe as it will not cause any bruising, and there is no need for bandages after the veinwave St Louis vein treatment. Veinwave can be used on the more delicate parts of the body such as the face and hands to get rid of vein conditions such as spider veins. The procedure is quick and relatively painless. A Veinwave procedure lasts about 15 minutes, and many patients say that the Veinwave sensation is similar to a warm pinprick. Most patients do not require any sort of anesthetic due to the pain-free procedure.

Most patients will see immediate results; however, multiple laser vein removal sessions may be required depending on the severity of the vein issues. Read these FAQs to learn more about Veinwave and how it can help you!

How long until Veinwave patients can resume normal activity?

Because the Veinwave is not using photocoagulation (such as laser/light-based energy), the patient may immediately return to normal activity, including normal sun exposure. While you can apply makeup over the treated area, it is recommended that you do so lightly to enable the skin to breathe and recover.

Veinwave is very precise. The tiny probe that touches the skin is only 0.002 to 0.003 inches and is micro-insulated to protect the surrounding tissue.

Veinwave has been widely used outside the USA for rosacea, but has not yet been cleared by the FDA for this. European physicians find that Veinwave is very successful at removing the symptoms of rosacea (removing the vascular areas), but not actually curing the disease. The number of treatment sessions depends on the severity of the disease state.

For the vessels that were correctly treated, the body processes it as unwanted debris and it eventually dissolves/fades away (like a bruise). Your health, metabolism, and other factors will dictate how long this takes. Although the collapsed vessels are gone forever, this does not prevent new ones from forming.

Absolutely! Some of the best results come from treating the mattes that were caused by sclerotherapy injections or similar treatments. The tiny vessels are difficult to treat with lasers and other technologies, but the Veinwave provides a very high level of patient satisfaction.

Is is never necessary to wear any compression garments.

Most vessels almost completely disappear immediately after treatment. Some people have a response that resembles a “cat-scratch” – with pinkness which will quickly subside. The tiny “mirco-scabs” will flake away over the next few days. In some cases, they may appear darker after treatment. This will dissolve by the same process (and over the same time) as a bruise resolving. In patients who have a history of strong flushing or histamine reactions, the doctor may use a topical steroid.

Some patients have a mild discomfort, but it is very tolerable – especially compared to electrolysis, laser vein removal, or intense pulsed light treatments. It is not necessary to use any anesthetic for Veinwave procedures. In fact, it is advised NOT to use anesthetics because they can cause undesired vasodilation (widening of the vessels).

The Veinwave system uses an important collection of proprietary technologies to effectively thermocoagulate telangiectasia and spider veins. The process causes the blood vessels to heat up to a point where the vessel walls collapse. (This is similar to sucking the air out of a drinking straw and then gluing the inside together.)

Veinwave has been used in Europe for over 8 years, where over 1000 physicians are enjoying the results every day. American physicians saw the technology at international conferences and there has been building demand for the system. Therefore, the FDA recently cleared the Veinwave system for sale in the USA.

These should be discussed with your practitioner since there is a slight potential for an adverse effect.

I have some spider “purple” little veins in the penis. Can those veins be treated with veinwave or other treatments?

Purple veins on the penis are not abnormal and I would not recommend treating them with the Veinwave.

Yes , the Veinwave is only effective on the smallest red veins. It doesn’t work that well on larger purple/blue veins.

I have tried Sclerotherapy and have been told laser will not work because of possible darkening of skin. Is Veinwave a good alternative?

Veinwave does not cause hyperpigmentation or darkening of the skin. Veinwave may be a good option but it is only effective for very small veins.

Veinwave is an entirely different treatment than laser ablation. Ablation is done for patients with varicose veins, and is used to seal closed the underlying main vein that is causing the problem that leads to the superficial varicose veins. Veinwave is a new treatment, specifically for spider veins only, and is limited to just the smallest, fine, tiny veins that cannot be treated by injection sclerotherapy. It uses tiny pulse of radio waves to treat these tiny little vessels, but cannot be used on larger veins.

Veinwave offers immediate results, is non-invasive, leaves no bruising or scarring, does not require bandaging or compression stockings after treatment, is simple and affordable and has no adverse reaction to immediate exposure to sunlight following treatment.

Veinwave treatment is best for the reddish and very fine bluish veins on the face and body. Thread veins vary in type, size and color, ranging from fine red ones to larger purple or deeper blue veins. Not to be confused with varicose veins, thread veins are usually very near the skin’s surface and under 2mm wide. Veinwave is not suitable for treating varicose veins or the larger veins which are best treated with endovenous laser treatments and or sclerotherapy.

Veinwave is ideally suited to treat spider veins wherever they may occur, even in delicate areas where other treatments may not be suitable. Areas that can be treated include: legs, arms, ankles, knees and face.

Any adult man or woman in good general health who has thin spider veins, or tangled, thread-like veins known as “telangiectasia,” and who is looking for a quick procedure with no downtime, can be an excellent candidate for the Veinwave procedure.

Those who are epileptic, have bleeding disorders, have pacemakers or pregnant women are not ideal candidates for Veinwave treatments.

When using a very, very fine needle during the procedure, patients tend to feel virtually no pain. Some patients have reported a feeling similar to a tiny, brief pin-prick.

After cleaning the injection site, your specialist will insert a very fine, insulated needle into the spider vein to be treated. Radio wave energy will be distributed through the needle, destroying the tiny vessels and causing them to disappear. Most procedures take between 10 and 15 minutes to perform, and no bandages are required following the procedure. A single injection can treat up to 18-20 inches of vessels.

I have hyperpigmentation after veinwave, and I’ve used fadeout creams but seen no improvement. Is this common? What can be done to improve the hyperpigmentation?

 Yes, Veinwave rarely can cause hyperpigmentation. If this does occur, it is almost always a very small area that will resolve in a few weeks to months. Much more commonly, Veinwave can frequently cause a dark spot in the vein that it closes. This is the result of microthombi or tiny clot that occurs when the vein is closed. This will go away in a few weeks’ time.

There is a small risk of scarring, although minimal and much less than risks associated with other vein procedures.

While most patients are treated successfully with one treatment, other may need two or three to achieve optimal results.

Because most insurance companies consider spider vein treatments cosmetic they will not cover this procedure. The cost of your Veinwave treatment will vary based on the extent of the area being treated, but generally will range from $400 to $500 per session.

Veinwave is a new treatment for spider veins. It was approved in 2009 for the treatment of small spider veins all over the body. For the smallest veins it is often the most affordable treatment and it offers the immediate results.

Yes, Veinwave is FDA approved. It was approved in July of 2009 and it is quite safe.

Rosacea causes pimples, skin irritation and tiny vessels to appear on the face. Veinwave is very good at treating the tiny red vessels on the face caused by Rosacea but it doesn’t help the acne and skin irritation.

It’s not uncommon for you to have a small amount of swelling like a tiny mosquito bite where the skin was treated with Veinwave. In people who have very sensitive skin there can be some peeling/flaking a day or two after but, that is not common.

Veinwave works using radio waves that are pulsed directly to the desired area, so vein treatment is quick and pain free.

I have a small blue vein under my eye. It is becoming more noticeable. Can the Veinwave be used safely to remove this vein? 

Bluish veins are usually too large to be treated effectively with a Veinwave. Without seeing it, I cannot be sure. Veinwave can be used near the eye but it tends to be a bit more painful. You should seek evaluation by a physician experienced with Veinwave to advise you the best course of treatment.

No, Veinwave cannot treat the size of a varicose vein. Only the tiny red spider veins. Veinwave is very effective with these, but a larger vein calls for different treatment.

Recovery is generally quick and almost pain-free. The doctor will apply a compression garment and ask the patient to walk around the office for about 20 minutes before leaving. Patients may return to normal activities other than strenuous exercise, but compression stockings must be worn for about a week. A pulling feeling may be felt but can be resolved with over-the-counter pain medication.