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Treat Stubborn Back and Bra Line Fat With Liposuction

Treat Stubborn Back and Bra Line Fat With Liposuction Get rid of Unwanted Bra Line Fat Today

Extra fatty deposits can be found in numerous places of the body disturbing the shape and contour of one’s physique and adding to self-consciousness and frustration in trying to dress these areas comfortably. A common area of struggle lies along the “bra line” where mid-back fat settles into pockets creating bulges on the sides, on the front of the torso just below the chest or on the upper back. These areas are hard to target and address with diet and exercise alone and can be very stubborn for many patients who seek improvement in appearance and confidence. For those struggling with bra line fat, whether it’s in the front just below the chest, the sides or the back, bra lipo of these areas can provide a smooth, even surface in as little as an hour or two with the help of an experienced surgeon.

Front Bra Line liposuction before

Modern advancements in bra fat liposuction technology have made it possible for just about any area of the body to be effectively treated with liposuction without having to undergo largely invasive procedures that require lots of downtime and pain medications. Many of today’s liposuction procedures, including bra lipo, can be performed with a local anesthetic so that the patient is able to remain awake and comfortablever during the procedure and fully capable of leaving the office on their own after a brief hour to two hour long session.

After a full consultation with your surgeon to discuss your liposuction expectations and your health history, the process itself is done in a relaxing setting. First a local anesthetic will be applied only to the areas where the liposuction will take place so that you are able to remain awake yet comfortable. After the anesthetic has been applied, the doctor will then make several very small punctures along the front of the bra line beneath the chest where the fat will soon be carefully suctioned out. A small cannula is inserted into the incisions and fat is sucked out through this little tube until each area has been treated and all the excess fat has been gently removed.

Bra Fat Lipo and Mid Back Fat Lipo

Though people typically tend to think of liposuction as a procedure for fatty abdomens or thighs, liposuction can be used to treat just about any area of the body that is struggling with extra fatty deposits to help rid the patient of stubborn, unsightly extra fat that seems determined to stay put. Both male and female patients can benefit from liposuction treatments though there are areas of the body that each gender will tend to ask for more than the other. Women in particular have been taking advantage of liposuction of the bra line where bulges of back fat disturb an otherwise smooth, streamlined shape. Unfortunately these fat deposits don’t respond to back exercises and though much can be done to reshape the body through proper diet and exercise, these mid-back spots can be particularly stubborn and hard to target. Of course it’s not just women who struggle with mid-back fat deposits and anyone who is looking to create a more uniform contour of their sides is encouraged to see how liposuction is able to provide significant improvement in the lines of their body.

Actual Patient – Individual Results May Vary

Liposuction of the back is generally performed in a comfortable, medical setting with the patient remaining awake but slightly sedated throughout the procedure through the help of a local anesthesia. Applied only to the treated areas, the patient can relax while the surgeon carefully numbs the skin and makes tiny incisions along the sides of the mid-back where the liposuction will soon take place. The excess fat is then gently removed through a very small tube called a cannula through the small incisions until each trouble area of the back has been properly treated. Generally this process lasts little more than one to two hours and once completed, patients are able to walk out of the office on their own.

A typical candidate for liposuction of the mid-back/bra line area is someone struggling with the accumulation of excess fatty tissue on the sides of their upper to mid-back with the ability to pinch an extra ¼ an inch or more from this area of their back. Some patients may decide to combine their bra lipo procedure with another procedure to save time and this can usually be done without problem, though a consultation with the surgeon will need to take place beforehand to determine individual needs and circumstances.

Some patients may experience some mild bruising and slight discomfort for a couple of days following the procedure though these will fade quickly and patients are typically able to return to work in a couple of days at most. Within three to four weeks patients can enjoy their final results.

Liposuction of the back is generally performed in a very comfortable, soothing spa-like setting with the patient remaining awake and alert throughout the procedure through the help of a local anesthesia. Applied only to the treated areas, the patient can relax while the surgeon carefully numbs the skin and makes tiny incisions along the sides of the mid-back where the liposuction will soon take place. The excess fat is then gently removed through a very small tube called a cannula through the small incisions until each trouble area of the back has been properly treated. Generally this process lasts little more than one to two hours and once completed, patients are able to walk out of the office on their own.

A typical candidate for bra fat lipo is someone struggling with the accumulation of excess fatty tissue on the sides of their upper to mid-back with the ability to pinch an extra ¼ an inch or more from this area of their back. Some patients may decide to combine their bra line liposuction procedure with another procedure to save time and this can usually be done without problem though a consultation with the surgeon will need to take place beforehand to determine individual needs and circumstances.

Some patients may experience some mild bruising and slight discomfort for a couple days following the procedure though these will fade quickly and patients are typically able to return to work in a couple of days at most. Within three to four weeks patients can enjoy their final results.

Contact Laser Lipo and Vein Center for your Consultation and Back Fat Lipo Procedure!

If you’re interested in bra fat lipo, mid back lipo, or any of our other cosmetic surgery procedures, contact us today! The healing time for this procedure is fairly quick with full results reached within three to four weeks max. Patients can return to work after just a couple of days following treatment and side effects are little more than slight bruising and swelling for a  few days or so post-treatment. Call today to learn more about bra bulge liposuction and bra lipo procedures in St. Louis!