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Upper and Lower Abdominal Liposuction

Upper and Lower Abdominal Liposuction

abdominal liposuction

When it comes to achieving a physical aesthetic that makes both men and women feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, the abdomen tends to play a major role. For many people, this central area of the body is a personal focal point that can be difficult to sculpt through diet and exercise alone. When looking to achieve a more toned physique, the abdomen is a place where stubborn fat cells tend to congregate despite the best efforts at the table or in the gym. No matter if fat accumulation in the abdomen is related to lifestyle or genetics, abdominal liposuction has proven to be a safe, healthy and effective way to eliminate stubborn fat cells and successfully achieve the look patients love.

Understanding Abdominal Liposuction

The abdomen is divided into two separate sections referred to as the upper abdomen and the lower abdomen. Both of these areas have a tendency to attract an accumulation of fat cells and through liposuction, patients can regain their waistline and sculpt their midsection into the shape they’ve been working towards. Because abdominal liposuction involves the permanent removal of fat cells in a designated area, patients are often recommended a treatment plan that takes both the upper and lower abdominal area into account in order to maintain a smooth and natural look once the procedure is complete.

How Abdominal Liposuction Works

Incredible advancements in the field of cosmetic services and technologies mean that patients looking to undergo abdominal liposuction today have many more choices when it comes to procedural strategies and safety considerations. In the vast majority of cases, abdominal lipo can now be performed as an efficient outpatient procedure and done right in the comfort of the attending physician’s office. The procedure itself begins with the administration of a local anesthetic in the area to be treated, effectively removing risks associated with general anesthesia use. The treatment area is then injected with a solution of epinephrine and saline, the combination of which works to both constrict blood vessels in the area and minimize the potential for bruising.

Once the area is sufficiently numbed and the injection has been placed, the attending physician will insert a small cannula through a needle-size puncture to begin permanently removing fat cells from the problematic areas of the abdomen. As stated above, it’s likely that a patient undergoing the treatment will have fat cells removed from both the upper and lower abdominals in order to create a balanced and even final look when the procedure is complete.

Results of Abdominal Liposuction and Recovery

Because the abdomen works to divide the body, even a small amount of abdominal liposuction can have a major impact on the final appearance of contouring at the waist. Because fat is removed on-site, many patients will notice an immediate change after the procedure with continuing improvements becoming visible over the following weeks. Recovery periods associated with the treatment tend to be fairly short with the vast majority of patients returning to normal daily activities the following day while maintaining a more restrained exercise routine for a week or two following the procedure. All patients will be advised to wear a compression garment around the treatment site for a at least 8 weeks after the procedure in order to promote healthy blood flow, hold the skin tight as it readjusts to the new shape, and promote successful, long-term results.

Procedural Considerations

While it’s easy to fall into the mindset that liposuction is a cure-all for weight loss, it’s important for prospective patients to remember that liposuction is strictly for sculpting and will not lead to a significant overall decrease in weight. The best candidates for this procedure are those that are primarily healthy, already adhere to a diet and exercise plan and are relatively close to their ideal weight prior to undergoing liposuction.

Actual Patient – Individual Results May Vary

Cost Considerations

As with all cosmetic procedures, the final price associated with liposuction will vary according to the severity of a patient’s treatment area and if multiple sessions are required to achieve successful results. The team at the St. Louis Laser Lipo and Vein Center are happy to help provide patients with insight into financing and payment plan options available directly through the clinic.

Schedule a Consultation

When you’re considering the benefits of abdominal lipo and would like to learn more, be sure to contact The St. Louis Laser Lipo and Vein Center today. Dr. Wright and his team believe in a comprehensive approach to patient care and always begin with a consultation to review a patient’s medical history, offer up time for questions and concerns and go over the long-list of services our clinic can provide. We can’t wait to take this journey to change alongside you!