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PRP Therapy Treatment Options

PRP Therapy Treatment Options Treatment in St. Louis

The world of cosmetic medicine is an ever-evolving field of advancement. As the motivation to achieve and maintain healthy, more youthful and vibrant skin grows, so do the cosmetic options. Dr. Wright and his team at the St. Louis Laser Lipo and Vein Center are proud to be on the cutting edge of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP). While PRP treatment has long been used in other areas of medicine, it’s recently been making incredibly safe and effective strides in the field of cosmetic medicine. A combination of innovative PRP techniques are being shown to benefit patients in a variety of ways including liposuction follow up, as an addition to facial fillers as well as overall skin rejuvenation. PRP therapy has additionally been shown to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the body which can promote healing using a patient’s own platelets.

Understanding PRP Therapy

PRP therapy uses a patients’ platelet-rich plasma as a rejuvenating and healing serum to achieve desired cosmetic results. When a patient arrives in a physician’s office for PRP therapy or treatments, a small blood sample is taken which is subsequently separated using a centrifuge to isolate red blood cells from the platelets and serum. Once separated, the plasma and platelets are combined with growth factors and injected back into the patient at targeted sites. This injection stimulates the body to naturally produce collagen which over time adds volume, luminosity and natural health to the skin. Within this process, the platelet-derived growth factors are the key to success. Using the body’s own healing strategies to create cosmetic results is a safe and successful path towards overall rejuvenation.

Eclipse PRP Therapy Treatment

Patients who choose Dr. Wright and his team at the St. Louis Laser Lipo and Vein Center for PRP treatments will have access to the most innovative product on the market known as Eclipse PRP Treatment. The advantages of Eclipse PRP treatments are many. This type of PRP treatment can be used on any and all skin types as are equally effective for men and women. PRP treatment lets patients avoid the risk of allergic reaction as the process uses the body’s own platelets to promote skin rejuvenation and health. The natural collagen formed by the body as a healing response is likely to create a healthier glow over time, leaving many patients feeling more youthful.


What are Platelets Made of? An Infographic


PRP Injection Therapy in Combination with Fat Transfer

While PRP treatments are highly effective on their own, as an added benefit, they are often successful in combination with other popular cosmetic procedures. Many patients utilizing PRP treatments do so in conjunction with fat transfers. During a fat transfer, fat cells are harvested from one problematic area of the body and reinjected into another. When the transferred fat is combined with PRP, the result is often a high concentration of growth factors. This combination increases the ability of fat cells to graft to new areas more successfully. PRP treatment with fat transfer has proven highly successful for patients using fat transfer for the cheeks, lips, breasts, and buttocks.

How PRP Improves Wrinkles - Our St Louis PRP Procedure

PRP for Skin Rejuvenation

Just as PRP treatments work well in combination with fat transfers, they have been just as successful in combination with skin rejuvenation procedures. Adding PRP topically following minimally invasive procedures such as Dermapen or Fractora has been shown to accelerate overall healing and increase collagen. Results are most successful when PRP is administered through micro-punctures allowing for transdermal delivery. The growth factors ultimately increase both collagen and elastin to promote skin improvement related to tone, texture and the disappearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time.

PRP for the ‘O’ Shot and ‘P’ Shot

PRP also offers a wide range of benefits when used specifically to treat different forms of sexual dysfunction in both males and females. Sexual dysfunction is typically classified as experiencing some type of problem that impedes your ability to want or enjoy sexual activity. This can often be the result of hormone changes, aging, or for women as a result of childbirth.

Common Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction

Female Symptoms of Sexual Disfunction

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Low libido
  • Difficulty or inability to orgasm
  • Painful or physically uncomfortable intercourse
  • Lichen sclerosis and its accompanying symptoms

Male Symptoms of Sexual Disfunction

  • Difficulty or inability to stay erect to engage in sexual activity
  • Low libido
  • Difficulty or inability to orgasm
  • Premature or impaired ejaculation

The female ‘O’ Shot and male ‘P’ Shot

Both the Orgasm ‘O’ Shot and Priapus ‘P’ Shot utilizes PRP treatment to address symptoms of sexual dysfunction and provide a more robust and enjoyable sex life for patients.

The ‘O’ Shot

Patients have reported a range of positive effects after treatment, including increased sensation, increased natural lubrication, decreased pain or discomfort, increased ability to have an orgasm through penetration, and greater arousal from clitoral stimulation. Additionally, the procedure is known to increase the appearance of smoothness in the skin of the vulva and even offers some women improvement in urinary incontinence.

The ‘P’ Shot

Experts suggest that PRP Therapy in the form of this ‘P’ shot can increase blood flow, repair some tissue or cells in the penis to help repair responses, create new neural pathways to increase pleasure, and some patients may even experience penis enhancement.

PRP with Facial Fillers

While patients have long utilized facial fillers independently, it’s being more commonly recognized that combining facial fillers with PRP treatment can create an important and long-lasting collagen foundation. When the PRP is injected above the preferred filler, a secondary layer of collagen is formed which enhances results while reducing the amount of filler required and potentially extending the time needed between filler placements. The added benefit of improved skin tone, texture and volume have made a facial filler and PRP combination a new standard for many patients.

Before and After PRP Injection Therapy in St Louis
Another Look at our PRP Injection Therapy Results

Actual Patient – Individual Results May Vary

Understanding Your Options

Dr. Wright and his team at the St. Louis Laser Lipo and Vein Center understand that skincare is more than a one-off treatment. It’s a proactive and systematic approach to achieving the look you love and deserve. Keeping skin healthy and youthful takes a personalized approach to patient care and at our clinic, that’s a commitment we’re ready to make. Contact the St. Louis Laser Lipo and Vein Center today to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Wright and to learn more about the many skin care services we are proud to offer our patients, such as the Dracula treatment. Keeping safety and comfort top of mind, you can be sure that your experience will be one that puts you first. We can’t wait to begin this journey to change with you! If you’re looking for help with hair loss, we highly recommend PRP injections!


Facial Filler with PRP Injection therapy - Before and After

Neuromodulator with PRP

Neuromodulator with PRP Injection Therapy in St Louis - Before and After

Actual Patient – Individual Results May Vary