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Back Liposuction

Back Liposuction Body Areas

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Back liposuction, also known as flank liposuction, drastically improves the silhouette. Sagging backs are a common complaint, but upper back lipo restores a youthful contour and gives a fit appearance.

Full back lipo defines the torso and complements the appearance of both men and women. Core exercises can improve the underlying muscle tone but if stubborn fat is stored on top of this structure, it is frustrating for many, many people.

male flanks before liposuction male flanks after liposuction

Actual Patient – Individual Results May Vary

Get a Slimmer Core with Abdominal & Flank Liposuction

Flank liposuction is often performed in conjunction with abdominal liposuction to bring shape and form to the entire core and waist section, an area notoriously resistant to slimming from diet and exercise.

Flank or back lipo can add additional slimming to the waistline and help accentuate the hip and buttock curves.

Before and After Pictures of Back Liposuction

A bit of sculpting in this area goes a very long way toward providing a fit appearance.

Recovering from (Flank) Lower Back Lipo

Flank liposuction is gentle and accurate, and the area contours to its new form with the help of post-surgical compression garments. Recovery is brief and normal activities can be resumed within a few days.

For more information or to schedule a complimentary consultation with no obligation, please call us or use the form to the right.