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Liposuction Vs. Body Contouring

Liposuction Vs. Body Contouring Comparing Liposuction to Body Sculpting

body contouring in St Louis

Would you like to contour your shape? Then perhaps you’re weighing your options regarding the cosmetic options available on the marketplace. From liposuction to body contouring and everything in between, which is the best method to choose? To put an end to the confusion among the myriad of choices and labels available, body contouring in St Louis is, in essence, synonymous with liposuction. These terms are used interchangeably and vary based on the marketing plan or partnerships among providers.

Liposuction can be used to contour the body, in that targeted fat deposits can be removed. As an example, if you want to sculpt your abs, while leaving the remaining fat distribution of your body intact, then this is very achievable with liposuction.

How Liposuction is Parallel to Body Contouring in St Louis

Liposuction for body contouring in St Louis is a minimally invasive surgery, where the area is numbed using tumescent techniques. Next, the surgeon works around specific areas to remove these fat deposits permanently. The benefits include instant and long-lasting results, with visible alterations in the shape of the body.

Other Types of Body Sculpting Method

Of course, there are some key differences between other body contouring procedures, like CoolSculpting as an example. In this instance, cooling methods are applied to freeze the fat, but this only works to remove a relatively small amount of fat [a cup of fat or two at the most], and the results are not immediate either. The bonus? It’s completely nonsurgical.

How Is Liposuction Better?

As seen, liposuction beats the sea of competitors when it comes to sculpting fat and trimming inches from the body. Here’s another illustration of how this is feasible:

Supposing a patient wants to achieve a bigger and perkier rear end via a Brazilian butt lift. This technique uses liposuction; but, in addition to “transferring” fat content via liposuction from one area to another for augmentation purposes, the surgeon will also “contour” the buttocks in several pockets, to achieve the sexiest silhouette possible. This body contouring in St Louis is also done during the liposuction procedure. This just shows the versatility of liposuction treatments. So whatever name your surgeon goes by for body sculpting via liposuction, consider this procedure an effective method for achieving the results you’ve always dreamed of!

Choose Laser Lipo and Vein Center in St. Louis for All Your Body Sculpting Needs in St Louis

The Laser Lipo and Vein Center is a leading liposuction center that has worked with scores of patients to contour their bodies, and help patients realize their dream image. Contact Us today by calling 636-614-1665.