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Lipo and Weight Loss: What’s the Skinny on Liposuction?

People frequently ask questions about liposuction such as, “how much weight will I lose?” The key benefit of laser lipo is the ability to finely sculpt areas but not specifically result in weight loss. The amount of fat that we remove does not impact weight significantly. But since the areas that we treated were most affected by fat, they are slimmed down. Furthermore, we reduce fat so that it looks like you had significant weight loss all over the body. It would take a significant weight loss to bring about the results we can get in one liposuction procedure.

​​Achieving your ideal weight can feel like an unattainable goal that you’ll never be able to reach without some extra help. That’s when you might decide to look into the benefits of liposuction surgery for your particular condition. An important point to understand is that our liposuction procedures are not intended to be a long-term weight loss solution. However, our body contouring procedures in St. Louis can give your body the more desirable shape you’re looking for. Though you may have your own incentives for considering liposuction, these are some benefits of liposuction surgery that have made it the popular cosmetic request it is.

There is no evidence that there is any laser that can change your overall body weight. Obviously, it would be a great achievement if there were some laser that we could place or illuminate over an overweight person and make them thin. Obesity is a significant health problem affecting our population. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence that there is any laser that can achieve this. Often such procedures are accompanied by a very restrictive diet.

While it is true that liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction effectively and permanently remove fat, creating a more sculpted body, the fat is removed is from a relatively small area, so the amount of fat that is removed does not have a significant effect on body weight.

Is Liposuction Healthy?

In short, yes. Being overweight, even if it’s just a little bit, can cause a decline in your health. It’s no easy feat to turn the tables once you have a problem with your weight. Furthermore, it can eventually lead to some pretty serious medical concerns. Thus, the weight loss from these procedures is commonly attributed as one of the health benefits of liposuction.

Boost Your Self-Confidence

If you are unhappy with your weight and it has caused your self-confidence to plummet, you are not alone. This is probably the most common reason for seeking out liposuction treatment. Having body image problems can lead to depression and anxiety. As a result, this decreases a person’s quality of life considerably. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be comfortable in your own skin and pleased with your appearance. Above all, liposuction can help you get to that point.

Get Rid of Problem Areas

It’s extremely frustrating when you do all you can to eat right and exercise and still don’t see any significant results. This may simply be because of clusters of fat deposits that are stubbornly holding on to their position in your body. Liposuction surgery can take care of those problem areas. Furthermore, it can shape your body in places that are otherwise not responding to diet and exercise.

Benefits of Liposuction

Traditional liposuction is still a viable option for patients looking to remove stubborn fat deposits and contour the body. However, more patients lean towards options like tumescent liposuction for less invasive and just as successful liposuction results. Patients who choose tumescent liposuction receive an injection of local anesthetic and epinephrine. This targets the treatment area they are looking to alter. The solution causes both swelling and firming of the treatment area. Furthermore, this allows the attending physician to remove fat deposits more easily and with more precision. This type of approach results in less bleeding and generally, a quicker recovery time for patients. Additionally, patients don’t run the risks associated with general anesthesia, a lengthy hospital stay, or a long recovery period.

Tumescent liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure with highly successful results. Patients can expect to leave the office unassisted the same day as the procedure. Additionally, they can resume normal activities within 24-48 hours following the treatment. We will walk you through each step of liposuction recovery and help you toward your ultimate goal.

Viable Treatment Areas

Dr. Wright and his team at the St. Louis Laser Liposuction Center are highly experienced at performing liposuction. On top of that, they work hard to stay up to date on the best approaches and techniques for patients. Most of our patients come to the center from all walks of life. However, there are common threads between patients looking at liposuction in St. Louis to treat certain areas of the body.

After the age of 30, metabolism in both men and women begins to slow. This includes deposits of fat, particularly around the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Furthermore, they can be resistant to the efforts of diet and exercise. You might have post-pregnancy deposit build-up or even certain effects of genetic predetermination. Sometimes, liposuction may be the only viable option for removing these deposits and providing the desired silhouette. The St. Louis Laser Liposuction Center team ensures that liposuction is effective at treating the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Furthermore, the team is good at treating problematic deposits around the knees, calves, ankles, and below the arms and chin.

Fat deposits that are removed by liposuction are permanently gone. However, it’s important for patients to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen during and after liposuction recovery. This helps them maintain the physique they’ve achieved. In general, patients who’ve undergone liposuction see a minimal reappearance of fat deposits in the areas that have been treated. This even applies to those patients that are susceptible to weight gain.


How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

The big question on everyone’s mind: How much does liposuction cost? The cost of liposuction varies between the type of procedure selected and the size of the treatment area. Patients today have options to choose between liposuction techniques that range from tumescent to ultrasound-assisted to laser-assisted liposuction. This means that the final cost associated with a procedure will vary a good deal from patient to patient. Call the team at St. Louis Laser Liposuction Center. They will discuss the various payment and financing options that are available for liposuction in St. Louis.

Wrong Reasons to Get Liposuction

Although there are many health benefits of liposuction surgery, there are also some reasons that you should overlook these procedures. Some examples include looking for a quick weight loss fix as an alternative to exercising and eating healthy. Another example would include looking to lose a great deal of weight, or to please someone other than yourself.

Liposuction is one of the most common and safe cosmetic procedures performed. Dr. Thomas Wright. Moreover, it has helped numerous patients at St. Louis Laser Liposuction Center to get the results they were hoping for. Contact us today to learn more about the health benefits of liposuction surgery!

*Actual patient – Individual results may vary

That said, many patients are inspired to create an even better new shape and work out more after losing their ‘problem’ areas through liposuction. Call us today for your free consultation and discover how liposuction and medical weight loss in St Louis may help you with your self-image. Just remember; weight loss surgery in St. Louis and liposuction are different! For healthy weight loss, let Dr. Wright help!