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Laser Light Therapy FAQ

Laser Light Therapy FAQ Skin Rejuvenation and Laser Light Therapy FAQ

Laser light therapy applies laser energy or light to the treatment area. This procedure is effective in reducing unsightly veins, including varicose and spider veins. Additionally, it can be used to repair and/or rejuvenate the skin (such as with our St Louis Skin Rejuvenation services). In some cases, it can also be used as a method to remove birthmarks and tattoos.

Laser light therapy is very effective in removing spider veins on the face, as the procedure is minimally invasive so it can be used in delicate areas. In some case, laser light therapy is used in conjunction with other procedures such as sclerotherapy to treat varicose veins.

Laser light therapy does have several different applications. The following FAQs can help answer some of the questions you may have about this effective procedure. We invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Wright and his team to discuss whether laser light therapy is a good option for you, whether you are looking for skin rejuvenation or options for vein issues. Our goal is to provide the very best in professional services to ensure that your veins, skin, and entire body are healthy!

Read below for our FAQs on Laser Light Therapy!

Yes, laser light therapy works very well on vascular or pigmented type lesions, depending on the underlying cause of the birthmark. You should realize however, that treatment may require multiple treatment sessions, spaced over months, to fully resolve the lesion.

A Q switch laser can break down the pigment from tattoos and be better for some colors than others. It can be painful and require many treatments. Not all tattoos can be removed with this laser, especially tattoos with yellow or green pigments.

I’m only 16, and I have lots of small veins and redness on my nose and cheeks. Is laser light therapy good for this?

Yes, light therapy can treat facial spider veins. You may need more than one treatment to get the results you are looking for, and typically you will need to wait 4-6 weeks in between treatments. You will have a little bit of redness or possibly some bruising for up to two weeks, depending on your skin type. All clients under the age of 18 must have the consent of their parent or guardian first.

Lasers are used for both. Endovenous laser ablation means that the laser is put into the vein. External lasers or IPL can be used to treat the veins from outside the skin. The pigments in the skin absorb the light from the device and then convert it to heat. Think of a black car and white car out in the sun. The black car absorbs the light and converts to heat while the white car reflects the light.

Intense light lasers are used directly on the veins, eliminating them permanently. Bruising can occur in the area treated and last for a few weeks. It can take up to four or five treatments to eliminate the spider veins. The laser treatment can sometimes, rarely, increase or decrease in the skin pigment around the treated area. The cost of laser treatment is higher than treating the veins with Sclerotherapy.

My husband has lots of tiny little veins on his nose and cheeks. What are the best ways to treat these, making them look less red and noticeable? 

These can be treated with either a laser or IPL (Intense pulsed light). Depending on the severity and the amount he may need more than one treatment.

If I have problems that originate in my deep veins, will I always have problems with varicose veins? and in the future (I’m only 27 and have had veins rupture-very painful to walk) am I at risk for DVT’s with surgeries like total joint replacements? 

There are no very effective treatments for deep vein problems, though there are some, and you should seek an opinion. To answer your second question, having problems with deep veins may or may not increase your risk for DVT. It depends on what is the cause of your current problem with your deep veins.

I’ve been diagnosed with a deep varicose vein and told there were no real safe methods to correct due to the risk for DVT. Is this correct, or is laser therapy safe for deep veins? 

There are no really safe methods to treat problems of the deep veins. If your venous insufficiency is severe enough for your leg to be at risk, then there are some surgical centers where complicated surgical methods are available, but these procedures are not used for the vast majority of patients with deep venous incompetence and chronic venous insufficiency, which can almost always be adequately treated with compression and elevation.

I had laser light therapy for facial redness and veins showing on my face due to Rosacea. The veins now appear darker and more visible than they were before. Is this normal if this procedure was done 2 days ago? If so when will the redness go away for the desired result?

Yes, exaggerated coloration may take up to a week to 10 days to disappear, depending on how severe your rosacea was. It almost always looks worse before it looks better. Discuss your concerns with your doctor, but know that in general, you will have some differences in coloration shortly after your treatment which should dissipate and leave behind a better result.

I have a deep tissue bruise on my leg just above my ankle that has been there for years. I have done red light therapy at the tanning salon and it has lightened up the bruise, but I want it gone. Do you do anything like that?

There are some observational studies that suggest there may be some benefit to red light therapy for healing of the skin injury. However, these studies are not of the highest scientific rigor. For injury below the skin, the evidence is less compelling and I would not recommend any light treatment for a deep bruise.